
Kasten, Erich (ed.)
Bicultural Education in the North:
Ways of Preserving and Enhancing Indigenous Peoples' Languages and Traditional Knowledge
1998, Waxmann Verlag GmbH, Münster
300 pp., 1 map
Euro 25,50 paper, ISBN 3-89325-651-2

Erich Kasten
Introduction / ix  PDF


Erich Kasten
Handling ethnicities and/or securing cultural diversities: Indigenous and global views on maintaining traditional knowledge 1   PDF

Jonathan David Bobaljik
Visions and realities: Researcher-activist-indigenous collaborations in indigenous language maintenance 13  PDF

David Koester
Imagination and play in children's reflections on cultural life: Implications for cultural continuity and educational practice 29   PDF

Northern Eurasia

Ulla Aikio-Puoskari
Sámi language in finnish schools 47   PDF

Paul Fryer
Including indigenous culture and language in higher education: The case of the Komi republic 59   PDF

Western Siberia

Aleksandra Kim
The problems of preserving the language and culture of Selkups 77   PDF

Aimar Ventsel and Stephan Dudeck
Do the Khanty need a Khanty curriculum? Indigenous concepts of school education 89   PDF

Paula Jääsalmi-Krüger
Khanty language and lower school education: Native, second or foreign language? 101  PDF

Central Siberia

Vasili Robbek
Language situation in the Sakha Republik (Yakutia) 113   PDF

Zinaida Pikunova
Politics, education, and culture: A case study of the preservation and development of the native language of the Evenkis 123   PDF

Alexia Bloch
Ideal proletarians and children of nature: Evenki reimagining schooling in a post-Soviet era 139   PDF 

The Russian Far East

Nikolai Vakhtin
Endangered languages in northeast Siberia: Siberian Yupik and other languages of Chukotka 159   PDF

Alyona Efimenko
The role of traditional ecological knowledge in exhibitions in ethnographic museums of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug 175   PDF

Klavdiya Khaloimova
Itelmen language textbooks and programs 181   PDF

Marina Tarasova
Even language in the early stages of education 187   PDF

The Pacific Northwest

Roy D. Iutzi-Mitchell
Political economy of Eskimo-Aleut languages in Alaska: Prospects for conserving cultures and reversing language shift in schools 191   PDF

Alex Nelson
Sports as a wholistic connector of aboriginal family and community 199   PDF

Nella Nelson
First Nations education in the Greater Victoria District, B.C. 203   PDF

The following articles of this volume that deal with areas outside the geographic range of this site are not published online here:

Comparative Perspectives

The Sauk language project 217
Gordon Whittaker

Borrowed language: The impact of school education and mass media in Ladakh (Jammu & Kashmir, India) 229
Bettina Zeisler

School policy for the Sorbian minority in Upper Lusatia 253
Paulina Jaenecke

New Technologies

Multimedia materials for native language programs 269  PDF
Michael Dürr

The existing and potential role of the internet for indigenous communities in the Russian Federation 275
Joachim Otto Habeck

Notes on the contributors 289