
Bibliotheca Sibiro-pacifica  |  SEC Publications

general editors: Erich Kasten and Michael Dürr

Waldemar Bogoras
The Chukchee
Part I-III: Material Culture, Religion, Social Organization

Edited by
Michael Dürr and Erich Kasten
2017, Fürstenberg: Kulturstiftung Sibirien
860 pp., 15,5 x 22 cm
ISBN: 978-3-942883-88-7
Euro 68, Hardcover

Since the 18th century, researchers and scientists have traveled the Russian Far East. Many of them were of German origin and had been commissioned by the Russian government to perform specific tasks. Their exhaustive descriptions and detailed reports are still considered some of the most valuable documents on the ethnography of the indigenous peoples of that part of the world. These works inform us about living conditions and particular ways of natural resource use at various times, and provide us with valuable background information for current assessment.

As the first profound anthropological descriptions of that region, the publications of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition, undertaken in the first years of the 20th century, marked the beginning of a new era of research in Russia. They represented a shift of the already existing transnational research networks toward North America. Bogoras’s work The Chukchee was an important milestone for Russian and North American anthropology that provides to this day a unique contribution to thoroughly understanding the cultures of the North Pacific rim.

PDF (Download of the original edition from the Digital Library of the American Museum of Natural History)

Foreword by Igor Krupnik:
Waldemar Bogoras and the Chukchee: A Maestro and a Classical Ethnography.

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