
Films on DVD

Shamanic Worldviews in Indigenous and Western Art
Videos: Erich Kasten, Martin Uhrmeister, Thomas R. Miller
Video-editing: Erich Kasten
English subtitles: Erich Kasten and Thomas R. Miller
Technical realization: Erich Kasten and Michael Dürr
(German / English / Russian subtitles)
DVD (50 min.)
18,00 €

This DVD presents a dual theme of the exhibition “Shamans of Siberia”, shown at the Linden-Museum Stuttgart, 13.12.08 - 28.06.09: the persistence of traditional shamanic worldviews in Siberia today, and artistic transformations of shamanistic motifs beyond the north. The films show indigenous people in dialogue with the cultural heritage of their past, and contemporary interpretations of shamanic images by western artists engaged in exploratory exchange with the living cultural traditions of Siberia.

Feasting with the Seals: Koryaks and Evens in the Russian Far East
Videos, video-editing and text: Erich Kasten
Editors: Erich Kasten and Michael Dürr
(German / English / Russian subtitles)
2005 Berlin: Zentral- Landesbibliothek
ISBN 3-925516-30-X
DVD (58 min.)
18,00 €

Reindeer herding, fishing and hunting characterize everyday life on the tundra and along the coasts of Kamchatka peninsula. This documentary focuses on crafts, narrative forms and feasts. It was produced for the travelling exhibit "Maintaining the Traditional – Embracing the New: Art and Culture from Kamchatka", first shown at the Central and Regional Library of Berlin, January 29 - April 2, 2005. The one-hour film provides fascinating insights into people's lives in the Russian Far East.

Die das Rentier tanzen: Korjaken und Evenen im Fernen Osten Russlands
Videos, video-editing and text: Erich Kasten
Editors: Erich Kasten and Michael Dürr
(German / English / Russian subtitles)
2003 Westfälisches Museum für Naturkunde Münster & Dietrich Reimer Verlag Berlin
ISBN 3-924590-79-6
ISBN 3-496-02765-7
DVD (63 min.)
Booklet 16 pp.
25,00 € [D] | 46,00 SFR [CH]
Rentierhaltung, Fischfang und Jagd prägen den Alltag in der Tundra und an den Küsten der Halbinsel Kamtschatka. Auch Tanz und Musik spielen bei den dort lebenden Völkern eine wichtige Rolle. Sie sind Bestandteil der Feste und werden ebenfalls in modernen künstlerischen Interpretationen gezeigt. Diese einstündige Dokumentation bietet faszinierende Einblicke in das Leben der Menschen im Fernen Osten Russlands.
