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Imagination and play in children's reflections on cultural life: Implications for cultural continuity and educational practice
Koester, David PDF


Sámi language in finish schools
Aikio-Puoskari, Ulla PDF


Including indigenous culture and language in higher education: The case of the Komi republic
Fryer, Paul PDF


Khanty language and lower school education: Native, second or foreign language?
Jääsalmi-Krüger, Paula PDF

Do the Khanty need a Khanty curriculum? Indigenous concepts of school education
Ventsel. Aimar and Stephan Dudeck PDF


The problems of preserving the language and culture of  Selkups
Kim, Aleksandra PDF
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Ideal proletarians and children of nature: Evenki reimagining schooling in a post-Soviet Era  
Bloch, Alexia PDF

Kinder malen ihre Welt. Kinderzeichnungen aus Sibirien und von der Nordpazifikküste
Kasten, Erich PDF

Children's drawings from Siberia and the North Pacific Rim
Kasten, Erich and Michael Dürr

Politics, education, and culture: A case study of the preservation and development of the native language of the Evenkis
Pikunova, Zinaida PDF


Language situation in the Sakha Republik (Yakutia)
Robbek, Vasili PDF


In the 'House of Dismay': Knowledge, culture, and post-Soviet politics in Chukotka, 1995-1996
Krupnik, Igor and Nikolai Vakhtin PDF

Kinder malen ihre Welt. Kinderzeichnungen aus Sibirien und von der Nordpazifikküste
Kasten, Erich PDF

Children's drawings from Siberia and the North Pacific Rim
Kasten, Erich and Michael Dürr
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Основные направления деятельности этнокультурного Центра «Творчество – Интеллект – Этнос»
[Main directions of the work of the Ethno-cultural center "Creation - intellect - ethnos"] Abakumova, E.I. PDF

К вопросу о специфике исследований этнопсиходогических особенностей представителей коренных народов
[On the question of the speciality of research on psychological particularities with native people]
Buchek, A.A. PDF

Круглый стол: Национальная культура – утраты и обретения на рубеже третьего тысячелетия
[Round table: National (native) culture – losses and gains at the threshold to the third millenium]
Kasten, E.; Korchagin, Yu.V.; Novik, Yu.O.; Yarovikova, I.A.; Goncharova, A.A.; Kiseleva, O.O.; Kovaleva, E.V.; Petrasheva V.V.; Pronina E.P. PDF

Педагогический потенциал учителя, как основа взаимодействия культур в условиях Севера
[The pedagogical potential of the teacher, as the basis of interrelations between cultures under the conditions of the North]
Kiseleva, O.O. PDF

Социокультурная подготовка учителя [The socio-cultural training of the teacher]
Kuz'mina M.V. PDF

О деятельности Центра эстетического воспитания и развития детей в эстетико –
экологической гимназии «Скале»
[On the work of the center of aethetic education and development of children in the aestetic-ecological high school "Skale"]
Simonova, I.A. PDF

Этноэкологическое воспитание детей и молодежи через газету «Абориген Камчатки»
[Ethnoecological education of children and youths through the newspaper "Aborigen Kamchatki"]
Uspenskaia, V.I.  PDF

Не вдруг школа строилась: из истории становления образования на полуострове (н.18 по 20 в.в.)
[Not at once the school was built: From the history of  the introduction of education on the peninsula]
Khudyshkina, A.E. PDF
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Kinder malen ihre Welt. Kinderzeichnungen aus Sibirien und von der Nordpazifikküste
Kasten, Erich PDF

Children's drawings from Siberia and the North Pacific Rim
Kasten, Erich and Michael Dürr

Проблемы корякского языка [Problems of the Koryak language]
Pronina, E.P. PDF

«Воямпель» – «Реченька»: Детский фольклорный ансамбль
["Little creek" - children's folklore ensemble]
Urkachan, A.T. PDF

Открытый урок по родному языку в Лесновской начальной школе
[Koryak language class at the primary school in Lesnaya]
Naianova S.N. PDF

Приобщение детей к культуре предков
[Transmission of the culture of the ancestors to children]
Severina, EN. PDF

Нравственное воспитание детей с раннего возраста
[The education of children at their early age]
Popova, S.K. PDF

Возрождение национальной школы [The revitalisation of native schools]
Khariutkina, G.N. PDF
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Kinder malen ihre Welt. Kinderzeichnungen aus Sibirien und von der Nordpazifikküste
Kasten, Erich PDF

Children’s drawings from Siberia and the North Pacific Rim
Kasten, Erich and Michael Dürr

Мир глазами детей в раннем детстве
[The world in the view of children at their early age]
Lomotseva, M.P. PDF

Народные знания – детям [Peoples' knowledge - for the children]
Papo, E.A. PDF

Even language in the early stages of education
Tarasova, Marina PDF

Сохранение и развитие культурного наследия эвенов. Программа летней школы – стойбища на примере воспитания традиционного природопользования, изучения культуры народов
[The preservation and enhancement of the cultural heritage of the Evens. The summer school program (camp), as an example for teaching traditional resource use and research on the peoples’ culture]
Tarasova, M.N. PDF
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Itelmen Language and Culture
Dürr, Michael, Erich Kasten, Klavdiia Khaloimova

Историко–этчнографическое учебное пособие по ительменскому языку
[Historical-ethnographic teaching materials on the Itelmen language]
Khaloimova, K.N.; Dürr, M.; Kasten, E.; Longinov, S.

Kinder malen ihre Welt. Kinderzeichnungen aus Sibirien und von der Nordpazifikküste
Kasten, Erich PDF

Children's drawings from Siberia and the North Pacific Rim
Kasten, Erich and Michael Dürr

Работа Мильковской Ассоциации народов Севера по охране материнства и детства
[The work of the Association of the Peoples of the North in Mil'kovo on the protection of motherhood and childhood]
Bulakh, T.V. PDF

Handling ethnicities and/or securing cultural diversities: Indigenous and global views on maintaining traditional knowledge
Erich Kasten PDF

Probleme und Wege des Spracherhalts bei Völkern Kamtschatkas.
Kasten, Erich PDF (968 kB)

Itelmen Language Textbooks and Programs
Klavdiia Khaloimova PDF

Методические рекоммендации (материалы) учителю ительменского языка
[Methodical recommendations (materials) for the teacher of Itelmen language]
Khaloimova, K.N.

О деятельности этноэкологического Центра «Тхсаном»
[On the work of the Ethno-ecological center "Tkhsanom"]
Tolman, N.Yu. PDF
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Political economy of Eskimo-Aleut languages in Alaska: Prospects for conserving cultures and reversing language shift in schools   
Iutzi-Mitchell, Roy D. PDF

Kinder malen ihre Welt. Kinderzeichnungen aus Sibirien und von der Nordpazifikküste
Kasten, Erich PDF

Children's drawings from Siberia and the North Pacific Rim
Kasten, Erich and Michael Dürr


First Nations education in the Greater Victoria District, B.C.
Nelson, Nella PDF

Sports as a wholistic connector of aboriginal family and community    
Nelson, Alex PDF

Детство у индейцев на западном побережье Канады: пути сохранения и развития местной культуры
Kasten, E. PDF

Kinder malen ihre Welt. Kinderzeichnungen aus Sibirien und von der Nordpazifikküste
Kasten, Erich PDF

Children's drawings from Siberia and the North Pacific Rim
Kasten, Erich and Michael Dürr

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Last update: 6 March 2005