
Languages and Cultures of the Russian Far East

general editor: Erich Kasten

Even Language and Culture

Эрих Кастен, Раиса Авак (составители)
Erich Kasten, Raisa Avak (eds.)

Духовная культура эвенов Быстринского района
Even Tales, Songs and Worldviews, Bystrinski district

2014, Fürstenberg: Kulturstiftung Sibirien
200 pp., 15,5 x 22 cm
Euro 18, paperback, ISBN: 978-3-942883-20-7
PDF (2.5 MB) 

This book provides a comprehensive documentation of the Bystrinski dialect of the Even language and of important aspects of their unique cultural heritage, such as their songs, tales and worldviews. In combination with accompanying DVDs (with audio- and videofiles of the recorded texts) this volume is aimed at sustaining indigenous language and knowledge in Kamchatka. To make the texts available to readers in other parts of the world, especially to northern communities outside Russia, in addition to Russian the book contains English translations. Moreover, a latinized transcription of the texts in posted here for those with particular linguistic interests: PDF (2.5 MB).

DVD cassette (3 DVDs, 3:03 hrs.): Euro 28.
samples: The flight of the birds / Little Maia's tale / Tale of the fox