
Languages and Cultures of the Russian Far East

general editor: Erich Kasten

Itelmen Language and Culture 

Erich Kasten and Michael Dürr  (eds.)

Ительменские тексты
Itelmen texts

2015, Fürstenberg: Kulturstiftung Sibirien
120 pp., 15,5 x 22 cm
Euro 18, paperback, ISBN: 978-3-942883-22-1
PDF (1,4 MB)

This book provides a comprehensive documentation of Itelmen texts with Russian and English translations. It contains remembrances of earlier Itelmen village life on the west coast of Kamchatka, as well as tales and songs.

DVD⎪1:08 hrs.: Euro 18

Preliminary linguistic analysis:
G.D. Zaporotski – Remembrances from village life   
PDF (392 KB)
V.I. Khan – Karalka (Itelmen tale)   
PDF (494 KB)