and Symposia |
SEC Publications
general editor: Erich Kasten
Erich Kasten, Katja Roller
and Joshua Wilbur (eds.)
Oral History Meets Linguistics
Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien
211 pp., 12 color photos, 15,5 x
22 cm
ISBN: 978-3-942883-30-6
Euro 26, paperback
Oral histories
constitute a common source of research data for
linguists, historians, as well
as for social and cultural anthropologists.
However, respective discourses on this theme
have rarely been interdisciplinary. During a
workshop at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced
Studies (FRIAS) in December 2015, it became
apparent how scientists from various fields of
research can benefit from such an intellectual
exchange. With its contributions to minority
languages and linguistic contact varieties this
volume aims at bridging this gap by providing
multifaceted interdisciplinary views on diverse
approaches to oral history research.
Erich Kasten,
Katja Roller, Joshua Wilbur
Introduction 7
Erich Kasten
Documenting Oral Histories in the Russian Far East:
Text Corpora for Multiple Aims and Uses
13 PDF
Michael Rießler and Joshua Wilbur
Documenting Endangered Oral Histories of the Arctic:
A Proposed Symbiosis for Documentary Linguistics
and Oral History Research, Illustrated by Saami and
Komi Examples 31 PDF
Igor Krupnik and Lyudmila S. Bogoslovskaya
“Our Ice, Snow and Winds”: From Knowledge
to Co-production in the Russian SIKU Project,
2007–2013 65 PDF
Ophira Gamliel
Fading Memories and Linguistic Fossils in Jewish
Malayalam 83 PDF
Sonya Kinsey
Owls, Sasquatch and Tsun’ Dye:
Uncovering Indigenous Englishes through Oral
Storytelling 107 PDF
Michael Dürr
“La Geste d’Asdiwal”:
A Structural Study of Myth in the Light of Oral
History and Linguistics 121
Katja Roller
On Pits, Progressives and Probabilities of Use:
Memories from Wales
and Their Implications for Corpus-linguistic (and
Historical) Research 147 PDF
Annette Gerstenberg
A Difficult Term in Context: The Case of French
sto 159 PDF
Cord Pagenstecher and Stefan Pfänder
Hidden Dialogues:
Towards an Interactional Understanding of Oral
History Interviews 185 PDF