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The cartography of copyright cultures versus the proliferation
of public properties
Hann, Chris PDF

Protecting cultural expressions: The perspective of law
Lewinski, Silke von PDF


Imagination and play in children’s reflections on cultural life: Implications for cultural continuity and educational practice
Koester, David PDF

Traditionalism and neoliberalism: The Norwegian folk dress in the 21st century
Eriksen, Thomas Hylland PDF


Kulturwandel bei den Samen: Eine ethnohistorische Untersuchung zum Kulturkontakt in Schwedisch-Lappland
Kasten, Erich

Sami shamanism from a diachronic point of view
Kasten, Erich PDF

Schamanismus der Samen: Fragen zur Variation eines religiösen Vorstellungskomplexes
Kasten, Erich

Culture as property? Some Saami dilemmas
Thuen, Trond PDF
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Including indigenous culture and language in higher education: The case of the Komi republic
Fryer, Paul PDF


Heritage and/or property: The ethnographic collections in Russian museums
Kupina, Julia A. PDF


The problems of preserving the language and culture of  Selkups
Kim, Aleksandra PDF


Do the Khanty need a Khanty curriculum? Indigenous concepts of school education
Ventsel, Aimar and Stephan Dudeck PDF

Culture, commodity and community: Developing the Khanty-Mansi Okrug Law on protecting native folklore
Wiget, Andrew and Olga Balalaeva PDF

Continuity and Change in Eastern Khanty Language and Worldview
Jordan, Peter and Andre Filtchenko PDF


Ideal proletarians and children of nature: Evenki reimagining schooling in a post-Soviet era
Bloch, Alexia PDF

Politics, education, and culture: A case study of the preservation and development of the native language of the Evenkis
Pikunova, Zinaida PDF
[ Top of page ]

Diamonds: Contested symbol in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 
Argounova-Low, Tatiana PDF

Sakha pop music and ethnicity
Ventsel, Aimar PDF


Object lessons: Collecting wooden spirits and wax voices as cultural property
Miller, Thomas Ross PDF


In the 'House of Dismay': Knowledge, culture, and post-Soviet politics in Chukotka, 1995-1996   
Krupnik, Igor and Nikolai Vakhtin PDF

Kilvêi: The Chukchi Spring Festival in Urban and Rural Contexts
Vaté, Virginie PDF


Culture as Property: Returning Knowledge to Native Communities.
Kasten, Erich PDF (432 kB)

Digitised Cultural Knowledge in Kamchatka: Digital Impact on Native Communities.
Kasten, Erich PDF 

Kul'turnoe nasledie narodov Kamchatki i Internet:Vozvrashchenie znaniia natsional'nym soobshchestvam. [The Cultural heritage of the peoples of Kamchatka and the Internet: Returning knowledge to indigenous communities]
Kasten, Erich PDF (144  kB)

Variatsii tantseval'nykh i muzykal'nykh traditsii v meniaiushchemsia kontekste: sokhranenie nematerial'nogo kul'turnogo naslediia. [Variations of dance and music traditions in changing contexts: Preserving the non-material cultural heritage]
Kasten, Erich PDF (624 kB)

Круглый стол: Национальная культура – утраты и обретения на рубеже третьего тысячелетия

[Round table: National (native) culture – losses and gains at the threshold to the third millenium]
Kasten, E.; Korchagin, Yu.V.; Novik, Yu.O.; Yarovikova, I.A.; Goncharova, A.A.; Kiseleva, O.O.; Kovaleva, E.V.; Petrasheva V.V.; Pronina E.P. PDF

Времен связующая нить – Фольклорное движение на Камчатке
[Time is tieing up the threads - folklore movements on Kamchatka]
Rassokhina, G.M. PDF

Традиции народов Камчатки: взгляд сквозь прошлое и настоящее
[Traditions of the peoples of Kamchatka: A view from the past and the present]
Novik, Yu.O. PDF

The Dynamics of Identity Management
Kasten, Erich  PDF

[ Top of page ]

Die das Rentier tanzen: Korjaken und Evenen im Fermen Osten Russlands
Kasten, Erich PDF

Zwischen Tundra und Meeresküste: Korjaken und Evenen im Fernen Osten Russlands
Kasten, Erich PDF (2,5 MB)

Традиционный быт и культура береговых коряков (нымыланов)
[Traditional life and culture of the coastal Koryak (Nymylans)]
Urkachan, A.T. PDF

Приобщение детей к культуре предков
[Transmission of the culture of the ancestors to children]
Severina, E.N. PDF

Грустная песня нымылана [Sad song of the Nymylan]
Kliuchnikov A.V. PDF

«И наш ручей питает реку» ["Our creek feeds the river"]
Popova, A.N. PDF

Ways of owning and sharing cultural property
Kasten, Erich PDF

The authenticity of cultural properties in the Russian Far East
King, Alexander D. PDF

The role of traditional ecological knowledge in exhibitions in ethnographic museums of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug
Yefimenko, Alona PDF

Орудия и способы рыболовства у коряков [Koryak fishing tools]
Nutaiulgin, V.M. PDF

Корякская литература [Koryak literature]
Kosygina, F.N. PDF

The Dynamics of Identity Management
Kasten, Erich  PDF
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Аудиовизуальная культура и аудиовизуальные коллекции: некоторые проблемы сохранения культурного наследия и прав на интеллектуаьную собственность [Audiovisual culture and audiovisual collections: problems of preserving the cultural heritage and protecting intellectual property rights]
Kasten, Erich PDF (1.6 MB)


Die das Rentier tanzen: Korjaken und Evenen im Fermen Osten Russlands
Kasten, Erich PDF

Zwischen Tundra und Meeresküste: Korjaken und Evenen im Fernen Osten Russlands
Kasten, Erich PDF (2,5 MB)

Сохранение и развитие культурного наследия эвенов. Программа летней школы – стойбища на примере воспитания традиционного природопользования, изучения культуры народов
[The preservation and enhancement of the cultural heritage of the Evens. The summer school camp, as an example for teaching traditional resource use and research on the peoples' culture]
Tarasova, M.N. PDF

Ways of owning and sharing cultural property
Kasten, Erich PDF

Народные знания – детям [Peoples' knowledge - for the children]
Papo, E.A. PDF

В мире эвенских сказок [In the world of Even tales]
Goncharova, A.A. PDF

The Dynamics of Identity Management
Kasten, Erich  PDF
[ Top of page ]

Itelmen Language and Culture
Dürr, Michael, Erich Kasten, Klavdiia Khaloimova

Историко–этчнографическое учебное пособие по ительменскому языку
[Historical-ethnographic teaching materials on the Itelmen language]
Khaloimova, K.N.; Dürr, M.; Kasten, E.; Longinov, S.

Handling ethnicities and/or securing cultural diversities: Indigenous and global views on maintaining traditional knowledge
Kasten, Erich PDF

Manejando etnicidades y/o reforzando las diversidades culturales: Visión Indígena y global respecto al mantenimiento del conocimiento tradicional.
Kasten, Erich PDF (592 kB)

Подход к решению этнических проблем и сохранению культурных различий: национальный и интернационалный взгляд на процесс сохранения национальных культур
[Handling ethnicities and/or securing cultural diversities: Indigenous and global views on maintaining traditional knowledge]
Kasten, Erich PDF (432 kB)

Lachsfang und Bärentanz: Die Itelmenen 250 Jahre nach ihrer Beschreibung durch Georg Wilhelm Steller.
Kasten, Erich PDF

Die Bedeutung von Steller’s Werk "Beschreibung von dem Lande Kamtschatka" für die Itelmenen.
Kasten, Erich PDF

When the Fat Raven sings: Mimesis and environmental alterity in Kamchatka's environmentalist age
Koester, David PDF

Возрождение ительменской культуры в древней стране «Уйкоаль»
[The revitalization of Itelmen culture in the ancient land "Uikoal'"]
Mikhailova, V.Z. PDF

«Алхалалалай» – ительменский праздник [Alkhalalalai, the Itelmen feast]
Zaporotskii, O.N. PDF

История и духовная культура [History and mental culture]
Khaloimova, K.N PDF

Хранители родовых очагов (ительменов) [The keepers of the family fires (Itelmens)]
Petrasheva, V.V.; Koester, D. PDF

Ительменский эпос, как одна из основ формирования мировоззрения подрастающего
пополения коренных малочисленных народов Севера
[Itelmen epos, as one of the foundations for the formation of worldview of the native peoples of the North]
Pravdoshina, L.E. PDF

Ways of owning and sharing cultural property
Kasten, Erich PDF

The Dynamics of Identity Management
Kasten, Erich  PDF
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Элементы культуры айнов [Cultural elements of the Ainu]
Minoru, O. PDF


Is being "really" Iñupiaq a form of cultural property?
Bodenhorn, Barbara PDF

Beyond repatriation: Collaborations between museums and Alaska native communities
Lührmann, Sonja PDF

Political economy of Eskimo-Aleut languages in Alaska: Prospects for conserving cultures and reversing language shift in schools   
Iutzi-Mitchell, Roy D. PDF

Возрождение алеутского танца. Аляска. США
[Revitalization of Aleut dances, Alaska, USA]
Gil', E.T. PDF

Возрождение алеутского танца [Revitalization of Aleut dances]
Gil', E.T. PDF


Maskentänze der Kwakiutl: Tradition und Wandel in einem indianischen Dorf
Kasten, Erich

Детство у индейцев на западном побережье Канады: пути сохранения и развития местной культуры
[Childhood among Indians on the Canadian Northwest Coast: Ways of preserving and enhancing local culture]
Kasten, E. PDF

Ways of owning and sharing cultural property
Kasten, Erich PDF

The Dynamics of Identity Management
Kasten, Erich  PDF

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Last update: 8 January 2006